A welcome sight across southeast NSW following recent heavy rainfall. Photo: Kim Treasure.
Water restrictions across the Snowy Monaro have been eased following much-needed heavy rainfall across southeast NSW.
After months on Level 3 water restrictions, the Nimmitabel community has moved to a conserve water notice. The same notice will apply for water supplies in Bombala, Bredbo, Cooma and Delegate.
These reductions in water restrictions came into effect at 12 pm on Wednesday, 29 July, and will be in place until further notice.
Snowy Monaro Regional Council Mayor Peter Beer said recent rainfall throughout the Snowy Monaro region provided welcome relief following the long, dry summer and a relatively dry winter to date.
“Thank you to the community for helping conserve water and for complying with the restrictions,” he said.
“These efforts, along with the recent rain, will allow us to move all towns that were on water restrictions back to a conserve water notice.”
Conserve water notices are reminders of the good practices that keep water storage as high as possible for next summer, including advice to water gardens between 6 pm and 9 am to minimise evaporation, and to use trigger nozzle hoses for cleaning around the house.
These notices are not enforceable.