Reports of tennis tournaments throughout the Tumbarumba district date back to the early 1900s when they would play sun or snow. Back then – as it is now – tennis was a sport for all ages and stages of life, even for this group of picnickers near Tumba. Photo: Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales.
Tennis had already taken hold in the Tumbarumba district in 1901, with interest so high players from Rosewood, Glenroy, Lake View and Elmdale would duke it out on the courts mid-winter.
And it was an invitation to tennis that led the daughter of a Tumbarumba police sergeant – one Ethel Clara “Effie” Young – into the arms of famed World War I war correspondent, Charles Edwin Woodrow Bean, who she had nursed at Queanbeyan, and would marry in 1921.
Tennis was for years the great sporting equaliser in which men, women and children got to play in the many settlements, villages and towns of regional NSW.
Not surprisingly – as the only remaining tennis facility in the region – the Tumbarumba Tennis Club has been at the heart of the community for well over 50 years.
Reports of it, in fact, date back to newspapers of the 1930s with the construction of a clubhouse in the 1940s.
And thanks to one of the great local grant schemes – the Hyne Community Trust – the clubhouse is set to see a great many more tournaments into the future with a new roof and ceiling for the facility in the pipeline.
The clubhouse is utilised by individuals and school groups alike, and club president and former International Tennis Federation professional, Michael Wolter said it had remained as important as the courts.
“I grew up playing on these courts and have many fond memories from this clubhouse,” he said.
Just a stone’s throw from the main street and rolling into park land, he said, the clubhouse – with a recently renovated, fully functional kitchen – had also extended use as a community facility.
“Sadly, we have had a leaky roof,” he said.
But with the support of the Hyne Community Trust, Mr Wolter said the roof itself would not only be replaced but also the ceiling.
Community member, Renee Moxey, was a keen tennis player throughout her youth, playing in various competitions during the summer months.
If not for the club she may never have participated in the sport.
“None of the local schools have tennis courts so coming to the Tumbarumba Tennis Club was the only way for the youth of the town to be introduced to it, have fun and learn from experienced coaches,” she said.
“The clubhouse is always a good spot to meet other club members and there is often a slice of homemade cake up for grabs too,” she added, with a smile.
The Hyne Community Trust was established in 2007 and has provided almost $700,000 to the Tumbarumba community to date.
Projects have included the extension of the Carcoola Children’s Centre, construction of racecourse amenities, a half basketball court, construction of the Tumbarumba Men’s Shed, Cycle Tumbarumba’s Pump Track and most recently, support for the Tumbarumba Golf Club and Turf Club.
The grants are for large community projects valued at over $10,000 that can demonstrate how they will benefit the Tumbarumba Community.
Trust chair, Kerrie Downes, said it was always a pleasure to present a cheque to community groups who have been around for some time and are very much a valued part of the community.
“One of the best parts of my job at Hyne is being the chair of the Hyne Community Trust and meeting these community groups who provide so much benefit to our community,” Ms Downes said.
“It is great to meet their members and be able to provide funds which will see works commence on improvements to their facility and continue to benefit the community for many more years to come.”
The Hyne Community trust is now closed for applications and will open again in June 2023.