Red Cross volunteers were at work in the evacuation centre at Bega Showground set up after the Tathra Bushfires in March 2018. Photo: Ian Campbell.
The Australian Red Cross is looking for volunteers in Snowy Monaro to step up in times of trouble and distress for the local community.
“We are a bit light on the ground, its a high-risk area and our Snowy Monaro team is a bit concerned should something happen,” says Emergency Services Officer, Sandra Arnold.
A free one-day training course will be held next month to teach people how to help the local community in times of disaster, such as floods, bushfire or storm events.
You’ll gain hands-on skills and get to meet like-minded people who want to make a difference at times of need.
As a Red Cross volunteer, you may be called upon to meet people at an evacuation or recovery centre or visit people after an emergency providing them with information and linking them with services.
“Volunteers all tell me that they get far more than they put in,” Sandra says.
“Rather than feeling helpless in a disaster, our people are contributing to the care of the community, for a lot of people that is a big drawcard, they don’t want to feel helpless.
“And the skills we teach are very empowering and are skills for life and can be used in so many areas of life.”
If you have good people skills, are practical and care about your community, then maybe becoming part of your local Red Cross Emergency Services Team is for you!
Register now and come along to the training day on Saturday, May 4 from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm at the Raglan Gallery, Lambie Street, Cooma.
Register before April 29 to [email protected] or for more information, speak with Sandra on 0466 502 211.