Queanbeyan and Goulburn are continuing to lag behind the state average for vaccinations. Photo: File.
Queanbeyan and Goulburn now have more than 88 per cent of eligible people with their first dose of vaccine, but less than 60 per cent are fully vaccinated and COVID-19 case numbers are continuing to grow.
Southern NSW Local Health District (SNSWLHD) has been notified of four new COVID-19 cases in the Queanbeyan-Palerang region in the 24 hours to 8 pm yesterday – two linked to known cases. Two of the cases are in Queanbeyan itself, one is in Jerrabomberra, and one in Karabar.
There were six other new cases in southern NSW. Of those:
- One new case is in Goulburn and is under investigation; and
- Five new cases are in Cooma and are linked to known cases.
This brings the total cases in SNSWLHD to 389 since the start of the current outbreak in June.
Health authorities have been notified of new venues of concern associated with COVID-19 cases. The full list is here.
There has been one new confirmed case of COVID-19 in the Murrumbidgee Local Health District to 8 pm last night.
The case, which was announced yesterday and included in today’s numbers, is a resident of the Berrigan LGA. The case is linked to the Edward River cluster and has been in isolation during their infectious period.
NSW recorded 360 cases and, sadly, five more deaths in the latest reporting period. About 90.4 per cent of people aged 16 and over in NSW have had one dose and 74 per cent have had a second dose.
Meanwhile, an exemption has been made to the public health orders to make life easier for NSW residents who enter the ACT for work or medical care.
The changes apply to those returning to NSW. The rules for NSW residents entering the ACT have not changed.
The NSW Government has now dropped the requirement for people returning to NSW after entering the ACT, to follow stay at home rules but it only applies to those travelling for specific reasons.
The changes mean NSW residents who have been in the ACT for work, to receive medical care, or to accompany someone receiving treatment in the ACT will now no longer have to complete a NSW travel declaration or follow stay at home rules after they return to NSW.
Those entering the ACT for work must still have an approved exemption from the ACT Government, while those entering for medical care do not need an exemption but must have instructions from their medical practitioner or health care provider.
Everyone else entering NSW after being in the ACT will need to complete a declaration and if unvaccinated, follow the stay at home rules for 14 days.
If you live outside of Greater Sydney (including the Central Coast, Blue Mountains, and Wollongong local government areas) and are fully vaccinated, you can take a holiday outside the local government area you live in. If you live in a local government area in Greater Sydney you cannot travel outside Greater Sydney for holidays or recreational visits including day trips.
At this stage, all of NSW remains a COVID-affected area under ACT public health orders with standing exemptions in place for a select number of border communities.
Travel is still restricted for ACT residents as the ACT Government has declared all of NSW as a COVID-19 Affected Area.
This means ACT residents who have spent any time in NSW in the previous 14 days will need to complete an online exemption form within 72 hours prior to arriving in the ACT and enter quarantine immediately for 14 days. Exemptions will be granted to ACT residents once there has been verification of identity and residency in the ACT.
Non-ACT residents will require an approved exemption from ACT Health prior to arriving in the ACT and will also enter quarantine for 14 days.
For residents in the surrounding NSW region, if you live in approved postcodes you may enter the ACT for essential purposes only under a standing exemption.