Eurobodalla Shire residents are being asked about what they want to have in their region’s future. Photo: Eurobodalla Shire Council.
Eurobodalla Shire residents are being urged to let council know what they would like for the region in the coming decades.
A community consultation plan (CSP) outlines a council’s priorities over a decade or more, and is regularly reviewed.
Eurobodalla Shire Council launched its first CSP in 2010 – called Our Eurobodalla 2042 – and it is now up for review.
Council’s corporate analyst Trinity Ladmore said the consultation was a chance for council and residents to think about their future.
“It’s quite high level and quite aspirational,” she said.
“It asks where we want to be in the future, and what sort of things we will do to get us there.”
To give their thoughts, residents can attend in-person sessions or complete an online survey.
“We’ve got some funky drawing sheets for our younger community members so they can draw what their favourite thing about the community is now, and what’s something that they would really love in the future when they’re a grown-up,” she said.
Community feedback is used to update the CSP and will be used by the next Eurobodalla council to set its agenda and delivery program.
While everyone was welcome to have their say, Ms Ladmore said those who might not usually attend council’s consultation sessions were especially encouraged.
“We need to hear from lots of people,” she said.
“We try and make sure that we’re accessible and we target some of the harder to reach community groups.
“Older men are usually a bit underrepresented, and we know that working parents can find it difficult to get to community meetings, so they’re in mind, as well.”
In reviewing the CSP Eurobodalla Shire Council will use engagement tools and questions other councils have employed.
“We’re doing things a little bit different this time – we’re working in collaboration with other councils within our region,” Ms Ladmore said.
“We’re also going to compare some of our results across the region and see whether there’s some regional issues that are really prevalent across a lot of councils that maybe a combined council organisation can do some advocacy or lobbying on.”
Eurobodalla Shire residents can complete an online survey before 15 March, or attend the upcoming in-person community consultation sessions at:
- Batemans Bay Village Centre, Perry Street, Batemans Bay from 9 am to 4 pm on 16 February
- South Broulee Beach, from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm on 18 February
- Narooma Rotary Markets at NATA Oval Narooma, from 8:30 am to 1 pm on 25 February
- Bodalla Dairy Shed on the Princes Highway Bodalla, from 10 am to 1 pm on 1 March.
Ms Ladmore said the feedback could cover a range of topics.
“It should cover all aspects of community life – not just the aspects that council is responsible for delivering,” she said.
“If people want to talk about health or education, they can.
“People can put forward the things that are most important to them.”
After community consultation closes in March, the updated CSP will be placed on public exhibition and be formally presented to council.
Further information can be found on council’s Our Eurobodalla website.