The Mulwaree River Walkway will open in a few weeks. Photo: Goulburn Mulwaree Council.
It’s time to pull on your walking shoes as new trails in Goulburn will be ready to explore in just a few weeks with work underway on the river walkway link from Lower Sterne Street in Eastgrove through to Cemetery Street.
This new part of the network has been fully funded by Goulburn Mulwaree Council and will be 1.5 kilometres in length when completed by the end of June this year.
Running along the Mulwaree River, it has been anecdotally named the Mulwaree River Walkway.
“This area of Goulburn is just another gem waiting to be discovered and I think many residents will be pleasantly surprised when the project is complete,” said Mayor Bob Kirk.
“The 1.5-kilometre walkway will feature a lot of native trees and bushland and will pass under the railway line and then Sydney Road before linking with Cemetery Street.”
Following completion of this link, the council will shift focus to the next stage of the river walkway network which will be 2.7 km long and will link Cemetery Street with the Josephs Gate subdivision.
This section is being funded jointly by the Federal and NSW Governments with $2 million contributed through the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund.
It will feature a low-level river crossing behind the Goulburn Correctional Facility with construction slated to begin towards the end of this year.
In total, the council has completed more than 10.3 km of pathway as part of the river walkway network with these two extensions bringing the total to 14.5 km.