Health authorities are urging anyone with even the mildest of COVID-19 symptoms to get tested. Photo: Mufid Majnun.
The Hilltops cluster of COVID-19 continues to spread, with three new cases recorded in the Murrumbidgee Local Health District to 8 pm last night.
They are two household contacts – a man in his 40s and a woman in her 70s – and a man in his 50s.
The two men are isolating in their respective homes under the care of MLHD. The woman has been transferred to Wagga Wagga Base Hospital.
This brings the total number of cases in Hilltops LGA to seven, with five cases being cared for in Wagga Wagga Base Hospital.
Investigations and contact tracing are ongoing to identify all close and casual contacts, and any venues of concern.
A list of venues of public concern identified so far during contact tracing includes:
- Young Bunnings, 11 September, 12:25 pm to 12:35 pm; 16 September, 2:40 pm to 2:50 pm;
- Laverty Pathology, Young, 13 September, 1:45 pm to 2:00 pm;
- J&L Pet Shop, Young, 13 September, 2:40 pm to 2:50 pm;
- Keith Simmons Engineering, Young, 11 September, 12:45 pm to 12:55 pm.
Anyone who has visited one of these venues at the times listed is a casual contact and should immediately get tested and isolate until a negative result is received.
MLHD have also updated the advice for Boorowa Hotel (Top Pub). This venue is not associated with any of the seven cases who were in Hilltops LGA when diagnosed. It was visited by a person from outside the district who later tested positive to COVID-19 and is now isolating outside of MLHD.
Anyone who visited the Boorowa Hotel between 11 am and 12:30 pm on Saturday, 11 September, is considered a close contact and must get tested and isolate for 14 days regardless of the result.
On the South Coast, there have been no additional cases reported today. There were eight over the weekend, taking the total number of active cases in the Eurobodalla to 16, all of them linked.
There were, however, seven new cases reported in Southern NSW to 8 pm Sunday.
Three new cases were in Goulburn and all were linked to known cases, while two new cases in Yass were also linked to known cases.
More concerning are the two new cases in Queanbeyan, both of which are under investigation.
This brings the total cases in SNSWLHD to 76 since the start of the current outbreak in June.
COVID-19 cases and venues of concern are published on the Southern NSW Local Health District website.
NSW recorded 935 cases to 8 pm last night, and four people died from COVID-19 in the reporting period.