Goulburn Mulwaree Council’s ‘Mo-Growers’ raised $11,000 for Movember. Photo: Supplied.
Goulburn Mulwaree Council’s ‘Mo-Growers’ have raised more than $11,000 for men’s health during their participation in Movember this year.
Forty male staff at the council took part in the fundraising event, which was organised Aidan Greaves and Anthony Dorsett as a team-building exercise in a year where it has been difficult for staff to gather.
“It was a great way for our staff and teams to come together around a cause that we can all support,” said Mr Greaves, who works as Goulburn Mulwaree Council’s construction supervisor. “2020 has been a tough year for us to hold staff functions or team-building programs so it was nice to have a project that men across our indoor and outdoor teams could all get behind.”
Goulburn Mulwaree Council’s general manager, Warwick Bennett, jokingly apologised to customers who have had to meet with staff who were taking part in Movember this year.
“I am sure many of our customers will be glad to see the end of November,” he said. “But it has been fantastic to see 40 of our staff get behind this effort and raise more than $10,000 for men’s health.
“They have been well supported by friends, family and other staff members, in particular a few of our female staff who helped coordinate and encourage our team.”
Many of council’s staff members had pledged to run or walk a certain number of kilometres throughout the month to increase the fundraising efforts.
Money raised as part of Movember is donated to non-profit organisations that provide mental health and suicide prevention services, and men’s health projects such as True North, which helps men regain control, confidence and quality of life during and after treatment for prostate cancer.
Movember is one of the largest non-government investors in research and quality-of-life initiatives for men.
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