Bermagui. Photo: BVSC Facebook.
Two important draft land use strategies are currently on public exhibition; summer reading for residents of Bega Valley Shire Council.
Council says, the draft Residential and Commercial Land Strategies works towards the community’s vision outlined in the Bega Valley Shire Community Strategic Plan 2040 and the South East and Tablelands Regional Plan 2036, and once adopted will inform the Bega Valley Shire Local Strategic Planning Statement 2040 (LSPS).
Specialist consultants have been engaged, building in earlier feedback from local residents and business people. The wider community is now invited to review the draft documents and offer feedback on the future land needs across the Shire.
Council’s Director Community, Environment and Planning, Alice Howe, says those involved in the initial consultation processes had provided invaluable knowledge, in addition to creative thinking and solutions.
“The issues raised, and information shared during workshops, community meetings and interviews informed the draft strategies and character statements for our towns and we are very keen to carry this momentum forward through this public exhibition period,” Dr Howe says.
“The draft Residential Land Strategy addresses the future need for housing and provides direction about how and where residential growth will occur and makes recommendations about how Council can support housing supply and diversity.
“Opportunities for industry growth and trends such as physical changes in commercial centres, changing technologies, and national and global economic factors are all explored in the draft Commercial Land Strategy. It also establishes a commercial centres hierarchy for the Shire and identifies actions that can be taken by Council to address these trends.”
The draft strategies can be viewed via Council’s website hard copies are also available at Bermagui, Bega, Tura Beach and Eden libraries; at the Council offices in Zingel Place, Bega; and at the Bemboka, Candelo, Cobargo and Tathra post offices.
Submissions can be made until Sunday, February 16, 2020. For more information contact Anna Bowman, on 6499 2384 or email [email protected]