11 September 2019

Free short film festival explores a 'wider angle' on life

| Ian Campbell
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Award-winning short films reflecting the lived experience of people with disabilities are coming to Bega.

The local screening of the Wide Angle Film Festival is a partnership between Bega Valley Shire Library and Tulgeen Disability Services. This free public Festival presents animation, live action, drama, comedy and documentary.

The Wide Angle Film Festival is produced by The Bardic Studio – a registered Australian charity with a mission to create pathways into cinema for groups of Australians who are under-represented on our screens.

The films will be shown with a range of accessibility features including open captions and a kit for sensory screening with a social story. The program is free of flashing lights, there will be a dedicated chill space and the venue is an all-access space.

The library service’s Programs and Partnerships Officer, Scott Baker, says that the Festival is an opportunity for people living with a disability to attend a major social event specifically designed with their needs in mind.

“Audiences will see movies of people pushing against barriers, confronting their fears, grappling with huge life events and creating exquisite works of art,” he says.

The program runs for 60 minutes and is suitable for a general audience but parents bringing younger children might find it beneficial to provide them with a quiet activity.

The Wide Angle Film Festival will be held on Wednesday, July 17 starting at 10.00 am, with morning tea supplied by Tulgeen. Films will be shown in the Gulaga Room in the Bega Valley Commemorative Civic Centre. Bookings are advisable. Phone Bega Library on 6499 2127 or book online at via Eventbrite.

For more information or to request a social story kit for the event, please contact Sugita Wahl at Bega Library on 6499 2361 or email vwahl@begavalley.nsw.gov.au

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