Eurobodalla Council Ranger Mathew Harris on the beat. Photo: ESC
Holidaymakers aren’t the only ones on Eurobodalla beaches over the Easter break, with Council stepping up ranger patrols in preparation for new ‘dogs on beaches’ rules.
Rangers performed 2,384 patrols of Eurobodalla beaches between December 1 and January 31. Eurobodalla Shire Council says the high profile is a response to community advice during Council’s Companion Animal Management Plan review last year, where people expressed a wish to see more rangers on local beaches.
Council’s Environmental Health Coordinator Nathan Ladmore says the beach patrols will continue ahead of the roll out of changes to ‘dogs on beaches arrangements’ that come into play from Wednesday, May 1 in line with the new plan.
“We’ll have extra rangers out on Eurobodalla beaches over the school holidays and Easter break,” Mr Ladmore says.
“Our strategy [with the] patrols is to take an educative approach in the first instance, we want to inform people what the requirements are around dogs being under effective control – even in off-leash areas as well as picking up dog poo and complying with dog prohibited areas.
“In the December-January period, as many as 28 local beaches were patrolled in one day, and out of 2,384 patrols, 71 cautions were issued.
“Where dog owners repeatedly disobey the regulations they face being fined.”
Under the new arrangements from May 1, all timeshare areas across the shire will be on or off leash 24 hours, until Thursday, October 31.
When the warmer weather returns, from November 1 to April 30, and use of beaches increases, dogs will be prohibited during the day in timeshare areas from 9 am to 5 pm but permitted off leash outside these hours.
Eurobodalla Shire Council says it is working on simple new signage at dog-friendly, timeshare and dog prohibited areas and plans to install the signs in late April/early May.
In the meantime check Council’s website for further details or phone the Council rangers on 4474 1019.