File Photo: South Coast Police District Facebook
“Our officers see the impact of illicit drugs in the community on a daily basis and police, together with the community, want it to stop,” says South Coast Police District Commander, Superintendent Stephen Hegarty.
A new campaign aimed at mobilising members of the public in the fight against illicit drugs has been launched through the Shoalhaven, Eurobodalla, and Bega Valley.
“Dob in a Dealer” is funded by the Commonwealth Government and aims to stop the supply of illicit drugs including methylamphetamine (ice), cocaine, MDMA, heroin and cannabis.
The campaign will run in 14 locations across NSW including the South Coast Police District, with police highlighting the important role members of the public can play in helping shut down drug-manufacturing syndicates and arrest drug suppliers.
“The message we want to share today is that the community can help police stem the flow of drugs by providing confidential information about those involved in the manufacture and supply,” Supt Hegarty says
“Members of the public should not feel bad about dobbing in drug dealers as they do not care about you or your family, they do not care if people become addicted, commit crimes to feed their habit, or overdose and die – they only care about the money they can make.”
Data from the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commissioner’s National Wastewater Drug Monitoring Program illustrates the ongoing “ice” problem across the country.
In the last year, cocaine consumption in NSW has increased, NSW also has the highest recorded heroin usage in Australia.

Photo: South Coast Police District Facebook
Crime Stoppers NSW CEO, Peter Price AM, says, responding to drug-related offences not only costs millions of dollars in healthcare and law enforcement but tragically and unnecessarily it costs human lives.
“Someone’s son or daughter is likely to die today because of a drug dealer selling their poison for profit,” Mr Price says.
“We know from history that public support helps police intervene in criminal activity and disrupt organised crime gangs who are responsible for the manufacture and supply of these drugs.
“When this campaign was first launched in 2016, reports to Crime Stoppers about drug-related activity increased by 126 per cent.
“We don’t want to know who you are, we just want to know what you know. We’re asking you to be a mate and look out for the welfare of family, friends and colleagues by reporting to Crime Stoppers.
“Anything you have seen or heard that could relate to the import, manufacture or supply of illicit drugs and help police bring those responsible to justice,” Mr Price says.
If you think you have information about someone in your community who is manufacturing or supplying drugs, call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 for a confidential conversation, or report securely online via the Crime Stoppers website.