CWA Pambula-Merimbula members Marjorie MacKnight and Alison Jenkins with their prize-winning sponge cakes. Photo: Supplied.
The unstoppable Country Women’s Association (CWA) will forge ahead with the 2021 state conference in Bega from 2-6 May 2021.
Local conference organising committee president Helen Galton said the CWA is expecting 400 conference delegates to visit Bega for the CWA conference week which will be the venue for the NSW CWA Annual General meeting.
Motions from the state’s sub-branches will be debated at the AGM covering a diverse range of topics including voluntary euthanasia, reflective clothing for cyclists to improve safety, bank closures, climate change, organ donation, aged care, suicide prevention and tying unemployment benefits to an annual indexation process.
The conference will include the traditional CWA State Land Cookery Competition and the Handicraft Competition exhibition, while schools are invited to participate in the ‘Make a Cow’ competition.
“A reminder that all Bega Valley and Eurobodalla schools are invited to participate in the Make a Cow competition, and everyone is invited to enter our Cow Cake Decorating Competition,” said local conference organising committee secretary Lynn Lawson.
The cows will be used to decorate Bega Showground during the conference and visitors will vote for their favourite cow with the winning entry to receive $500 for their school.
Markets will be held at the Bega Showgrounds from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm on Sunday 2 May.
Stallholders will include Mystery Bay Kelp, Johanna Weiss with her artwork on linen, Jody Vassallo with her cookbook Farmer and children’s book The Brave-Bottomed Wombat, Three Fat Ladies with their delicious regional food, Eden Preserves, Tilba Real Dairy, Paul West with his cookbook and growing guide The Edible Garden, Za’s Coffee Van and the Bega Girl Guides.
Conference attendees will be able to take tours of the Sapphire Coast including Bega/Tathra, Central Tibla/Bermagui and Eden/Pambula.
“The tours will showcase the stunning scenery of the Sapphire Coast and Bega Valley with options for tasting local produce including cheese, oysters, beer and cider,” said CWA tour coordinator Annette Kennewell.
The local community will also be involved in the event with the Bega Lions to host a barbeque lunch for members at the showground while the Bega and Tathra Hospital Auxiliaries will provide lunch packs for members onsite. The CWA has also encouraged attendees to support local businesses by visiting the Bega town centre cafes and restaurants.
“We are so lucky our region offers fresh local produce,” said conference food coordinator Nelleke Gorton.
“Including my favourite, the delicious Ploughman’s Lunch with Bega Cheese.”
The CWA will hold a raffle with a first prize of $1000 cash, second prize of a KitchenAid donated by Bega Betta Electrical and third prize of a Pandora Bracelet.
Other prizes include suitcases and a $200 Visa card.
For further information on the CWA Conference in Bega contact Conference Committee Secretary Lynn Lawson by email, and head to the State Conference Raffle to buy tickets to assist with fundraising.