Capital Region Community Services CEO Mandy Green and Board Chairman Christopher Ermacora. Photo: Supplied.
Belconnen Community Service has changed its name to Capital Region Community Services.
The new name coincides with plans to expand its current programs across the capital region to the 10 local government areas of Goulburn Mulwaree, Upper Lachlan, Yass Valley, Wingecarribee, Snowy Valleys, Snowy Monaro, Queanbeyan Palerang, Hilltops, Eurobodalla and Bega Valley.
Capital Region Community Services CEO Mandy Green says the organisation’s new 10-year strategic plan acknowledges the need to provide services to people in regional NSW while continuing to deliver services to the Canberra community.
“Our commitment to Belconnen and to Canberra remains steadfast. That has and will not change. Our doors are always open to everyone and we are very excited to grow our CRCS family,” she said.
“Initially, CRCS is planning to provide our suite of support coordination, skill development, capacity building and social inclusion group programs for people with a disability who live in the region, as well as offering our unique services for older members of our community,” CRCS Board Chair Christopher Ermacora said.
“Over time, we plan to tailor our services based on feedback from regional communities, adapting models that are tried and tested among our current participants and groups,” Mr Ermacora said.
“This will ensure we complement services that already exist within these regional areas so we are adding value and can make an immediate impact on service delivery where it is most needed.”
CEO Mandy Green said many participants from regional NSW have asked CRCS for access to the unique aged care and NDIS services they provide, and they have been unable to provide the service across the ACT border until they changed their status to a company limited by guarantee, a type of company structure for non-profit organisations which allows non-geographical-based activity.
“We are pleased to be able to eliminate this barrier to people accessing our services,” she said.
Mr Ermacora said CRCS has a unique offering, and believes that collaborative partnerships will provide individuals with many more options to enhance their social connections, and develop skills to enhance their valued role in their communities.
“We plan to work collaboratively with existing service providers to enhance the opportunities available to older people and people living with a disability,” he said.
Both Ms Green and Mr Ermacora emphasised the changes do not mean a change in the current suite of services CRCS provides to communities in Canberra.
“Belconnen is and will always be our home,” Ms Green said. “We stand on the shoulders of passionate Belconnen residents who showed incredible enthusiasm and dedication to turn this organisation into a hub of community spirit in Belconnen. To stray from that vision would be unthinkable to us.”
We are Capital Region Community Services
We are delighted to announce that Belconnen Community Service has officially changed its name to Capital Region Community Services (CRCS). This change is a direct result of our 2020-2030 Strategic Plan. After extensive consultation with key stakeholders, we changed our company entity so that we could reach across the border and support our communities in regional NSW as well as the ACT. Our name change was an organic response to this development. Belconnen will remain our home and our services to the Canberra region will remain unaffected.In the next few weeks, you will see gradual changes to our social media and signage around Belconnen. Want the full story? Visit our website: https://bit.ly/2X26Jx4We are so excited for you to join us on this journey and help us facilitate more inclusive and connected communities – from Belconnen to the Capital Region! Welcome to #TheCRCSFamily #WeAreCRCS #BCStoCRCS
Posted by Capital Region Community Services on Sunday, May 17, 2020
Original Article published by Sharon Kelley on The RiotACT.