The call has gone out for fresh faces willing to help stage the Bungendore Show in October 2023. Photo: The Bungendore Show/Facebook.
For many of us, the annual agricultural show means show bags, pavilion displays and a petting zoo.
In Bugendore, it is a tradition that Bugendore Show Society treasurer and acting secretary Alison McKenzie is hoping to bring back in 2023, following cancellations over the past few years.
But holding this year’s show all depends on volunteers coming on board.
“After the pandemic and last year’s rains that meant we had to cancel – we’re looking to get things started again,” she said.
“We are asking for volunteers willing to help out, and we’ll be reaching out to other organisations to give us the person power we need to run the show.”
Ms McKenzie said anyone could get involved as there weren’t specific skills needed, though they would like to hear from anyone willing to fill specific positions.
“We haven’t been able to manage a horse steward yet, and a pavilion steward would be good, too,” she said.
“But basically, anybody who would like to do anything is very, very welcome.
“A lot of people moved on during the pandemic and they aren’t with us anymore, so we’re going to have to source new talent to keep the show going.
While they are still putting together the program, previous years have seen a variety of events and competitions.
“I gather it’s one of the biggest one-day show pavilions around, normally,” she said.
“We get entries of cooking, preserves, handicrafts, a big section for children, lots and lots of flowers, fruit and vegetables.”
The show has also included entertainment, children’s games, as well as sheep and horse events.
But Ms McKenzie did have some sad news for lovers of the dachshund races.
“It was a very popular event, but the guy who coordinated the dachshunds has moved to Queensland.
“We’re not sure whether we’ll be holding that or we’ll be repurposing it as a small dog event of some kind,” she said.
The call for volunteers follows the decision to move the show from its January date to October.
“At the January date, it was getting so hot that families couldn’t make a day of it,” Ms McKenzie said.
“They would come in the morning and then go home before lunch, because it was just getting too hot.
“We’re hoping that with a more temperate time of year, families will come along and bring their sandwiches and thermos and have a good time!”
An in-person and Zoom meeting will be held on Monday 14 August from 7:30 pm for those interested in getting involved.
The meeting information is available on Facebook, and people can also contact Ms McKenzie at alison.mckenzie@bigpond.com to volunteer.
“All we have to do now is get the people on board and get things organised,” Ms McKenzie said.
“We’re hoping to get enough people to put their hands up that we can say, ‘Yep, we’re on’, and then work like crazy from now until October,” she said.
The Bungendore Show is scheduled for 22 October 2023 at Bungendore Showground, Mathews Lane in Bungendore.